Re: Disarm

From: Gary (
Date: 10/16/95

>   if (percent > prob) {
>     if (vict->equipment[WEAR_WIELD]) {
>       unequip_char(vict, WEAR_WIELD);
>       obj_to_room(0, vict->in_room);
The zero is your problem. You call obj_to_room without an object. The 
object is put into room NOWHERE because you removed it and left it.

>       act("$n skillfully disarms $N!",
>           TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
>       act("You send $p flying from $N's grasp.", TRUE, ch, 0, vict,
>           TO_CHAR);
>       act("$p flies from your grasp as $n disarms you!", TRUE, ch, 0, vict,
>   } else
>       act("$n trys to disarm $N but fails!",
>           TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
>       act("You fail to disarm $N!", TRUE, ch, 0, vict,
>           TO_CHAR);
>       act("$n trys and fails to disarm you!", TRUE, ch, 0, vict, TO_VICT);
>         damage(ch, vict, GET_LEVEL(ch) >> 1, SKILL_DISARM);
> }
> }
> [code ends]

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