Has anyone tried to implement polymorph

From: Steve (quickey@cyberverse.com)
Date: 11/17/95

I am planning a generic polymorph system, to allow for lycanthropy, 
polymorphing, and other similar things. If anybody has already done this 
I was wondering what you did about the following:
  1. Char QUITS or RENTS , do they switch back to their original chars 
     when they do this. And if so, is save_char already written to save the 
     correct one or will it save the morphed version. 
  2. Also i was thinking of using the original/character structures just like in switch, 
     is this wise?
  3. What about EQ, should i take it away from the other character, and 
     give it or should i just make a copy and take the orig character and 
     char_from_room() him.

If anybody has written code, or designed such a system, please reply/mail 
me directly. Thanks alot.


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