Re: fighting list

From: Brian Pape (
Date: 06/26/96

> Okay, I'm confused...i have a skill called haymaker which attempts to 

>     for (k = combat_list; k; k = temp)
>     {
>        temp = k->next_fighting;
>        if (FIGHTING(k) == ch)
>          stop_fighting(k);
>     }
> However, it doesn't work:P  But it also doesn't crash, so I'm not SUPER 

you want people to stop fighting the victim of the haymaker...  change
if (FIGHTING(k)==ch)   to...   if (FIGHTING(k)==vict) stop_fighting(k);

also, don't forget to do a stop_fighting(vict) before you put him to sleep
(I snipped that code out but I'm sure you know what I mean)

Reign of Towers

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