Re: Special Procs

From: Niese-Petersen (
Date: 07/13/96

On Sat, 13 Jul 1996, Sean P. Mountcastle wrote:

> recently posted?  I can understand that 5 is down 2 is south 0 is north 
> etc, but why wouldn't it be as simple as DDSEENR == Down Down South East 
> East North Rest?  I'm assuming this array doesn't get parsed by the 
> command interpreter.....  I should really look at the code, but way back 
> when I started working with circle I looked at it and didn't understand it.
 If you read the code (mayor in spec_procs.c) you would see it use
perform_move() when it find '0'..'3' in the path string. So by using
digits, it's much faster to give info to what direction perform_move()
should move the mayor [ perform_move(ch, path[index] - '0', 1); ]

Erik Niese-Petersen
Aka Quint The typo God
Realms of Darkness IMP [ 6666. Playertesting]

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