Re: Reality Check (was [world] Not really a problem, but...)

From: Robert Levy aka Csc the Cyber space cadet (
Date: 01/30/97

just want to take the time to ask WHY it is that people PLAY on our MUDs.
Builders, coders, and players usualy have different opinions on just about
EVERYTHING in a MUD. This is because of THEIR individual PURPOSE in
coding/building/playing on the MUD. I would like to remind you that it is
the PLAYERS who MAKE or BREAK a MUD. Without PLAYERS, there would be NO MUD.
For this reason, we must design our MUD considering the PLAYER'S opinions
MOST important.
	As CODERS/BUILDERS we naturualy WANT to make our MUDs as realistic as
possible. But, if we would take the time to ask PLAYERS WHY they use MUDs,
we would discover that 90% of the time it is to ESCAPE REALITY. Sure, it's
great to have some bit's of REALISM in a MUD, but if a MUD was completely
like REAL LIFE, what would be a PLAYER'S PURPOSE in PLAYING when they could
do the same stuff by just walking out their front door. There are times on
MUDs when it is NECCESARY to be REALISTIC and there are other times when it
	For example, if we were to create a REALISTIC MUD then we would have to get
rid of the TELL command. (Being able to communicate with somebody on the
other side of the universe is NOT REALISTIC) If we got rid of the TELL
command, PLAYERS would not be able to communicate without being in the same
room. If PLAYERS aren't able to EASILY communicate, they WON'T WANT to
EXPLORE areas and KILL mobiles because they would ALL have to be TOGETHER
simply to TALK. If PLAYERS don't PLAY, then we are wasting our time. PLAYERS
will resort to PLAYING the good old Infocom games and IRC. BUILDERS and
CODERS will resort to ___(place boring activity here)___.
	This is just the effect of getting rid of a SINGLE command. Who knows what
would be the result of a TOTALY REALISTIC MUD. My POINT here is, it may be a
good IDEA to ASK your PLAYERS how THEY would FEEL about making certain
CHANGES. This is not intended to offend ANYONE. It's just my $2.00.

	Thanx for yer time,
	Robert Levy aka Csc the Cyber space cadet
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  ____ _____  __| |_____ _| |_           #####      ATTENTION:      #####
 / ___|____ |/ _  | ___ (_   _)          ################################
( (___/ ___ ( (_| | ____| | |_           ## I take no responsibility   ##
 \____)_____|\____|_____)  \__)          ## for any grammatical or     ##
                                         ## spelling errors in the     ##
 (some 14 year old kid who has nothin'   ## above message(s).  I was   ##
  better to do than wreak havoc on the   ## probably sleeping when  I  ##
  internet and waste bandwidth)          ## wrote it.   -Robert Levy   ##

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