Re: [ADMIN] General opinion of CircleMUD

From: Jonathan Barrett (mixtli@SINFO.NET)
Date: 12/15/97

>       Don't get me wrong, I love the Circle code base, and have been
> it for the past three years now.  The problem is why won't new mortals
> use it?

    First impressions are a big deal.  I think you would catch a few more
players if character creation is unique.  Its nice with a colorful menu,
reroll stats etc.  more that the usual classes, races are a help.  Changing
the basic things like help files and battle will help out.  Stock circle
battle is kind of boring.  Its not very colorful, always the same, and
sometimes hard to follow.  Its nice when you can easily pick out wether you
hit or they hit you and the damage right away.  Ive seen some muds where
the color is just too much.  There should be lots of color, but its better
to use color to help clarify the text.  Also the first 5-10 levels should
be fairly easy to gain, and the nwbie area should be easily accesible right
from the beginning.  Most of the really crowded muds Ive seen have had
added levels so if the first 10 are gained quickly, its not that big of
     Basically, newbies are not going to stay on long to see how good the
mud is.  They are looking for something to make them like it right at the
begining.  If they get on and type halp and its stock...very bad.  If they
spend a while walking around trying to find the newbie area and never
gaining any levels casuing early frustration....very bad.  Let them gain a
few levels, get some basic eq, fight some easy mobs, and get a quick test
of the interface.  Change the help files, skill lists, character
      I have been playin on a MUD that has some very good examples of
changing the basic things.  Its not too difficult and the color is really
nice...not too much.  The fighting is easy to follow, score and stat
screens are cool...Newbie area is easily accessiblb, first few levels are
easy, theres not a lot of new wierd commands like dig, or any of that
stuff, but it works very well at catching newbies.  They say its is a
combination of Diku/Circle/Rom, so you dont really know which it is more
of...Take a look if you, I think it has some good ideas, which are all
pretty easy to implement....

Arcane Nites:  3000

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