disarm skill

From: Edward J Glamkowski (eglamkowski@angelfire.com)
Date: 05/29/03

Shockingly, there's no snippet for a disarm
skill.  Well, there sort of is with in the
contrib/code/mobiles/classprocs.txt on the
ftp site, but obviously that's for mobs and
requires some reworking for players.  So,
here's my disarm skill, loosely based upon
the above mentioned snippet.  It's tested
and should work fine.  I'd upload it to the
ftp site myself, but I'm still dealing with
a ftp-restricted firewall :-p

You should credit BoxBoy <baez@as-if.com>
(author of the classprocs.txt) as well as
myself if you use it.  Thanks :-)

I assume you know how to add a new skill, so
here's the core of the skill itself (for
version 3.1):

  int goal, roll;
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  struct obj_data *weap;
  struct char_data *vict;
  int success = FALSE;

  if (IS_NPC(ch) || !GET_SKILL(ch, SKILL_DISARM)) {
    send_to_char(ch, "You have no idea how.\r\n");
    send_to_char(ch, "This room just has such a peaceful, easy feeling...\r\n");

  one_argument(argument, arg);

  if (!(vict = get_char_vis(ch, arg, NULL, FIND_CHAR_ROOM))) {
    if (FIGHTING(ch) && IN_ROOM(ch) == IN_ROOM(FIGHTING(ch)))
      vict = FIGHTING(ch);
    else {
      send_to_char(ch, "Disarm who?\r\n");
  if (vict == ch) {
    send_to_char(ch, "Try REMOVE and DROP instead...\r\n");

  weap = GET_EQ(vict, WEAR_WIELD);
  if (!weap) {
    send_to_char(ch, "But your opponent is not wielding a weapon!\r\n");

  goal = GET_SKILL(ch, SKILL_DISARM) / 3;

  roll = rand_number(0, 101);
  roll -= GET_DEX(ch);   /* Improve odds */
  roll += GET_DEX(vict); /* Degrade odds */

  if (IS_IMMORT(vict)) /* No disarming an immort. */
    roll = 1000;
  if (IS_IMMORT(ch))   /* But immorts never fail! */
    roll = -1000;

  if (roll <= goal) {
    success = TRUE;
    /* If you don't have dual wield, remove this part */
    if ((weap = GET_EQ(vict, WEAR_DWIELD))) {
      if (IS_NPC(vict))
        LOST_WEAPON(vict) = weap;

      act("You disarm $p from $N's off-hand!", FALSE, ch, weap, vict, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n disarms $p from your off-hand!", FALSE, ch, weap, vict, TO_VICT);
      act("$n disarms $p from $N's off-hand!", FALSE, ch, weap, vict, TO_NOTVICT);
      obj_to_room(unequip_char(vict, WEAR_DWIELD), IN_ROOM(vict));
    } else if ((weap = GET_EQ(vict, WEAR_WIELD))) {
      if (IS_NPC(vict))
        LOST_WEAPON(vict) = weap;

      act("You disarm $p from $N's hand!", FALSE, ch, weap, vict, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n disarms $p from your hand!", FALSE, ch, weap, vict, TO_VICT);
      act("$n disarms $p from $N's hand!", FALSE, ch, weap, vict, TO_NOTVICT);
      obj_to_room(unequip_char(vict, WEAR_WIELD), IN_ROOM(vict));
    } else {
      log("SYSERR: do_disarm(), should have a weapon to be disarmed, but lost it!");
  } else {
      act("You fail to disarm $N.", FALSE, ch, weap, vict, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n fails to disarm you.", FALSE, ch, weap, vict, TO_VICT);
      act("$n fails to disarm $N.", FALSE, ch, weap, vict, TO_NOTVICT);

  if (!IS_IMMORT(ch))

  /* Set them fighting?  Comment out if you don't like. */
  if (success && IS_NPC(vict))
    set_fighting(ch, vict);

Note that you will need to add some stuff so that mobs can pick up and
re-wield their weapons (it takes a few seconds for them to do this, so
the players do get some benefit from disarming, but mobs shouldn't be
so dumb as to ignore the fact that they just got disarmed...).  So, go
into structs.h and in struct mob_special_data, add:
   struct obj_data *lost_weapon; /* Weapon that was just disarmed      */

in utils.h, after #define MEMORY(ch), add:
#define LOST_WEAPON(ch)         ((ch)->mob_specials.lost_weapon)

in db.c, in parse_simple_mob(), add:
  mob_proto[i].mob_specials.lost_weapon = NULL;

in mobact.c, in mobile_activity(), add:
    if (LOST_WEAPON(ch)) {
      if (IN_ROOM(LOST_WEAPON(ch)) == IN_ROOM(ch)) {
        if (perform_get_from_room(ch, LOST_WEAPON(ch)))
          do_wield(ch, OBJN(LOST_WEAPON(ch), ch), 0, 0);

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