Re: [Circle] Problems with kick

From: Theodore Dubroff (
Date: 11/20/96

Not when there is a ! in front of the arguments...

On Thu, 21 Nov 1996, DJ Pure wrote:

> Hmm..
> 	*Everyone* is saying to add the &&. This is wrong.
> Someone mentioned to add the () around each seperate check, but LEAVE the
> ||
> You see, with the && the person who is kicking has to be a WARRIOR *AND* a
> BARD if the && is there. The && means AND, which is like saying "nd there's
> no buts about it"..
> eg. if ( (x == CLASS_1) && (x == CLASS_2) ) {
> 	blahblahblahb...
>      }
> 	This says that if x is equal to class one AND IT HAS TO ALSO be equal to
> class two, then do that stuff in between the { }. If the || was there, the
> x can EITHER be class one or class 2, wuhich is the correct answer. How
> many classes are BOTH a warrior AND a bard .. If they are scitsofrenic
> (sp?) then maybe ... but not normally.
> So in summary ... NO &&.[bitwaise and]  keep the || [bitwise or].
> jus
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