Re: [newbie] Arguments.

From: Rasdan (rasdan@PEAK.ORG)
Date: 07/15/97

On Tue, 15 Jul 1997, Heartless wrote:

>                         'retreat n'
>                 (which would mean retreat north), what is the argument
> 'n' passed as? I was kinda hoping it was something simple like 'cmd' or
> 'argument' but neither of those seem to have worked.... Can anyone help
> me out?

  int dir = 0;

  one_argument(argument, arg);

  if (is_abbrev(arg, "north"))
    dir = 0;
  else if (is_abbrev(arg, "south"))
   . /* Put rest of direction stuff here */
  else {
    send_to_char("That is not a valid direction to retreat in\r\n", ch);

/* Do checks to see if EXIT(ch, dir) exists, then move them there */


Hope this helps,


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