[Sockets and Win95]

From: Akuma/Chris Baggett/DOOMer (doomer@BAYOU.COM)
Date: 11/30/97

question for Jeremy, or George (not really Circle-related, but it's close)

Do either of you two guys know of any good references for coding
sockets or TCP/IP type things in Win95 (I'm using Borland C++ 4.5)??
I'm trying to write my own TCP/IP client, but Borland's
compiler came with no documentation on sockets or anything else.

Would appreciate it. Thanks.

umm, guess i'll need this
  i realize coding sockets with C++ classes would probably be a good
change, but is there any other real major differences/advantages
that can be made from coding in C++??
ch.get_name() seems like a bit of a waste to access a private member
of the char_data class/struct.

Not to mention the major overhaul of all the util.h defines (of course
i could get rid of those entirely with classes) but is it really worth it?

only other thing that would make it worth it,
would be a possibly different parser for mobs and players.
ie mobs are just players without char_special_data, right?
so just make players a descendant of a MOB class.
would make most of the stuff easier to access, in my mind.

I could also have special objects descendants of the normal class.
(shrug, just throwing that out there. not sure if that's worth it)

but i think that the mob->player classes would be a nice change.

ideas? comments?

Akuma the Raging Coder
  | "The poets talk about love, but what I talk about is DOOM, |
  |      because in the end, DOOM is all that counts." -       |
  |   Alex Machine/George Stark/Stephen King, The Dark Half    |
  |        "Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, Just IMPROBABLE"            |
  |   "Easier Said Than Done, But Better Done Than Said..."    |

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