Re: House problems in Circle30bpl8

From: Gary (
Date: 09/28/95

I think there may even be a define in utils.h for GET_LOADROOM(ch), Using 
this will save to a file instead of saving it to inroom. Right now all 
the saves are called with the room as NOWHERE, just go into the save 
function and change it to use the room number when called from a house, 
then, if you are using rent, make sure quit auto-saves how you want it to 
when you are in a house... Lastly, you may have to edit the nanny() 
funtion so that when the player chooses to enter the game from the menu 
it places the player into the correct room if the room is not NOWHERE. 
(This last step may or may not have to be done - I edited mine a while 
ago so I don't remember how the standard code was)


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